.... whatever happens all Mossies will be welcome at Portarlington.....
maybe I should bring the boat and leave the camera behind

decisions decisions decesions......

if I run the camera gear option, is there any chance of getting on one of the committee or safety boats
(happy to assist the crash crews, not that they'll be needed judging by the wind forecast)

Camera gear can easily reach out to 1km from the shore but nothing beats being in the thick of the action

if I bring down Twice Shy can .....
a/ it be measured one the day ?
b/ I pay my association membership on the day and race as a full competitor ?
c/ I race it even without items 'a & b' and if so how would that work ?
d/ I see there's a Heavyweight (65kg+) class, Twice shy would easily qualify for that and then some

but how does that work ???? separate starts or all in ???
now that I have a leave pass on the w/end .... just toying with a couple of ideas as to how n when