[quote]Pictures look good. Has the the A cat been tried against any other boats to see performance against them?


Hi Doug, Im the designer and yes it has, but less exhaustively than one could have hoped for so far. It would appear that the boat is moderately faster and sails higher than Flyers etc in all windspeeds, down hill in any wind, it kills everything. This last weekend it was out in 25-30 knots all day with 10-15 gusts and it never put the bow down more than 150mm at any speed in any gust. That said, we are still learning to sail it, the windward case being the most challenging and we are still a ways short of what we think it should do.
Have attached a couple of pics from GPS action replays of the Velocitek data to show what it does in 9.4 knots, will post some 30 knot stuff in the not too distant future

Attached Files