Seems you are the only one pointing a finger at me. The other Mike was pointing a figure to, kind of, even though after his post I understand why. I in no way intended to miss lead anyone and if you think so I am sorry you started out thinking this way. Seems you have a lot invested in the 4.3 and sensitivity to anyone not reflecting the message you want. Also realize we have done our research before we came to our conclusion about what boat to use. The kids loved the Dragoon, Waves, and from our research, the kids at the US event loved the 4.3, but ultimately our kids weighed the options and chose the H14, due to low cost (used ones), fun of sail, and that the H14 helps them prepare to youth sail on the H16. The club has no ties to any of these boats and so the kids made their own decision.
In my previous email I gave the location of our website. As indicated, Rick & Mary know who is posting and if they had a problem they would have removed my posts!
Now to put this negative stuff aside I must add the kids really do appreciated the positive posts that were received today on this forum as that is what we were looking for, just some USEFUL information, such as contacts, people with used H14’s to sell or give away, parts, etc, and Hobie 16’s as well for that matter. The kids are really excited about getting a full program going next sailing season. We had a great season this year with our first regatta and with US Sailing Associate “Fast & Fun” program, thank God for the “Fast & Fun” program! We started our weekly racing/fun series this summer and currently are still doing it until the end of this month. We only had two H16’s and three Access Dinghies for our program this summer but we did a lot, with what we had. Last week the college donated a H14 to our program, only problem is there is no mast and one of the hulls has a whole, which should be easy to fix. Actually it is a really nice H14 it is just unfortunate the mast got run over and a track and field guy through one of those hammers into the side of the hull, but we look at it this way they would not have donated it if it were perfect. It was funny to see the kid’s excitement about the boat even though they cannot sail it. Luckily, they were able to sail some H14’s in the past, which added to their excitement when we got the H14.
Another exciting note is the county officials liked what we did this summer so much that they are helping us build a new sailing facility (office, classroom, and indoor storage for our boats, with fenced in area). So it is amazing how much can be accomplished in one sailing season, and next summer looks so much better!