With regards to rigs I can't see myself supporting any option that limits choices and options where these choices are driven by different priorities. We're trying to create a one size fits all rule and I think we should be trying to be inclusive, not looking for things to outlaw or limit. The fact is that pretty much every spar maker has a suitable extrusion for this vessel if stayed (look for a mast tube used on a two person (one on trap) dinghy. My prefered option is currently the MG14 wing mast (approx AUS$400 for the tube. This mast will be less than 6kg fully rigged, a weight that will enable the young sailor to step it themselves. Having said that, I wouldn't conceive of suggesting everyone should use this rig as it is going to be more expensive than round tube.

We need to focus on keeping the rule open and inclusive. We should also look at drawing a line in the sand (ie 30 Nov) as a deadline for concensis so that designs can progress without being held back or becoming redundant.