With regard to the situation in the middle east, Luiz says,
[color:"red"] "Actually, the situation in Israel is even more unfair then that:
Imagine that you are a native american, your land is taken by newcomers, you manage to rebuild your country from scratch after thousands of years of suffering and then the former newcomers start bombing civilians, training children to kill people and so on, while they still use all the public services YOUR people built and claim they have the divine right to kill YOU ALL.

Does not sound very good, but is exactly what is going on."


Following the September, 1993 signing of the Oslo I peace accord, I spent time working in the Gaza Strip and other West Bank communities as a member of a team of consultants performing a USAID sponsored Municipal Management Assessment for the Palestinian autonomous area. While doing the work, I lived in Gaza, but also spent a fair amount of time in Jerusalem.

I can assure you that what you stated in your response to Carl is NOT "exactly what is going on". It may, in fact, be your OPINION about what is going on, but, like the media's portrayal of events, it is merely an opinion.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program . . .

Kevin Rose N6.0na #215 Lake Champlain (New England's "west coast") Burlington, Vermont