Actually it dosen't mater if the hook faces up or down regarding dings in the hull. In my experience it is not the end of the hook that causes damage, it is the weight of the sailor forcing the face of the hook through the hull.

Of course the hook should face down, all I am trying to say is that inverting it won't solve the problem.

I weigh around 220 so getting back on board is sometimes challenging, like the other posters I usually get on at the junction of the front crossbar and the hull, kinda of like doing dips in the gym. The trick with the trap handle works really well to.

I had to help get a friend back on board after he became very ill from swallowing seawater. He was exausted, having him hold the trap handle allowed me to swing him back up fairly easily. It was not a pretty ride back to shore. I had to sell the boat! <img src="" alt="" />

Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.