Buna ziua Isvflorin,

Am fost in Romania. (I have been in Romania). I think you have more to worry about from the crazy drivers than from the police. In 1994 Romania had 188.5 fatalities per 100,000 registered vehicles. For comparison, USA had 21.6, UK 13.3, Austria 31.6, Brazil 44.1, Italy 20.2, Japan 16.4, Sweden 15.1, Netherlands 19.8.
But the police can be pesky. In Romania, the police pull you over for nothing. You then give them the equivalent of about $5.00 just to get the bastards out of your face, then they go on their merry way, fat, dumb and happy. I only spent a few weeks in Romania, and we were pulled over three times for nothing.

TheMightyHobie18 1067