I don't want to open the old can of worms again... but you seem to want to suggest that this is a Positive Reality in the northwest.... therfore... choose a Tiger for this area.
So, it should be noted.
The Tiger Only F18 racing is STRICTLY a function of clubs CHOOSING to not allow the other F18's to participate at their event.
What are the actually pro'as and con's for the sailors in the Northwest?
IMO, It sounds like it's a bit problematic.. It sounds like you have a large number of events that are Open and a similarlly large number of Hobie only events. Unless you guys sail every weekend... It sounds like your sailors choose the four or so events a year that they want to do and you don't develop the critical mass of F18's at the events on the schedule. (a certain disappointment for someone looking to go F18 racing)
If the poster wants to race in the nortwhest.... He can now evaluate your claim... "get a Tiger if you are in this area" from a different perspective.
Had you left it as... Well in the north west... we have X # Tigers of all flavors and we have Y # good sailors and we work together to get up to speeed. Getting a Tiger in this area would allow you to join this group and and dial up the Tiger's settings to quicklty get up to speed ... Pronto... You should really get a Tiger if you are in the Northwest.
I would not have gotten my nose out of joint.
Take Care