thanks, really interesting!!
So if I'm not mistaken
upwind --> boards all way down --> enable to pivot the lower end of the board backward --> the CENTER OF LATERAL RESISTANCE move backward
downwind --> boards halfway up --> no pivoting --> the CENTER OF LATERAL RESISTANCE move a bit forward
All together could effect a neutral helm both upwind and downwind... (what the infusion really has)
I will check my dagger boards.
I sailed my infusion only a few times (5-6), and realized that the trailing edge of the boars can be damage really easily even nothing was happened during the sailing, probably because of this pivoting ability.
Yes, the relief on the trailing edge of the top of the daggerboard allows it to actually twist in the trunk and it does put a lot of pressure on the trailing edge of the daggerboards - I've seen quite a bit of minor damage there on these boats.