I would love to see (Thread 1) Steve Clark's explanation of this critical element about PL-4 and the apparent success of its NON-SYMMETRICAL banana boards: i.e.: "It lifted at speed".

New Thread for Hakan - Steve told me that the boat he raced in Canada last fall was about 12 years old, basically unmodified and too heavy due to its older construction methods, compared to the new Canadian boats. Maybe the wing was heavy too.

CANTING THREAD: IMHO, having personally raced A-cats, straight boards canted out are useless when doing the Wild Thing. I was there when Charlie Ogletree slalomed through the fleet of other A-cats after the A-mark like a snow skiier--- In not enough air. Note that I was ahead of him at the A-mark, but after that, not so much!

A-class USA 196, USA 21, H18, H16
"Nothing that's any good works by itself. You got to make the damn thing work"- Thomas Edison