We have never had many squares where I come from however-
In the early 80s I remember watching a 18sq pass me to leeward when going upwind ,
he was flying a hull and an awful long way off the water, I still remember thinking "man! that would be one hell of a ride".
The 18sq is a great concept.
I like the Category 1 as the Category 2 is a little too heavy for my liking.
However from what I've read Wild Turkey virtually killed off the Cat 1 18sqs. no one else could be bothered with the solid sail
and WT virtually ran away and hid. Well according to the mag article I have.
I think Cat 1 with the Cat 2 mast restrictions would be a good combination. This seems to be the basis of Dennis Palin's design.
I love the concept of single handing 200sq ft of sail upwind on a craft with an 11 to 14 ft beam.
The kind of things dreams are made of.

However before embarking on such a class again I think some questions need to be asked.
If Wild Turkey really did kill of the Cat 1 18sqs why don't we see more Cat 2 squares?
Is it the beam of the craft that is restricting its appeal? Would "wings" work, and deliver the best of both worlds?
There is no doubt that Dennis Palin's machine is a work of art. Would it have the same appeal without it's wide beam?

I don't know the answers to any of these questions but interested in hearing what others think.

Dennis's Machine
[Linked Image]

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Last edited by phill; 07/20/08 07:02 AM.

I know that the voices in my head aint real,
but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!