Somebody has got to help me find that link where I proclaimed it was going to blow at this Olympics...

Here you go: http://www.catsailor.com/forums/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=153314

You are Da man!


"F" boats are out and if they go that way then they will simply keep the "T" which I wouldn't mind one bit.

Hobie 16 w/ spin in a breeze sailed by the best in the world... come on, you wouldn't watch that? Anything at Qingdao or a venue like Qingdao is going to be a yawn.

Hmmm... watch the races at Qingdao or watch my grass grow... tough call.

August 1, 2008 - Jake :

I'm still saying that with the number of people betting on light air...it's going to crank. That's how it works.

Jake Kohl