
Wouter- The FXone is listed as having 16m2 of main sail right now. A least thats what the HCE website says.

I'll believe that after it is measured by independent measurers. Like TEXEL or SCHRS rating officials.

Over time the big builders have often been fast and loose with specs they publicize on their webpages.

As of yet the FX-one is registered as having 14.91 sq. mtr sailarea by 8.03 mtr luff by TEXEL and this measurement includes the mast area.

Source : www.texelrating.nl

SCHRS gives : 14.85 sq. mtr by 8.10 mtr again incl. mast area.

Source : http://www.schrs.com/index.php?page=class&id=77

And if the new FX-ones feature a 16 sq. mtr sail already then we can protest out any result over the last period for racing under an invalid handicap. That would be a serious class issue as the class is responsible for maintaining the One-Design status upon punishment of deletion of the standard class rating in favour of forcing every boat owner to get an individual measurement certificate and having him present that at each regatta.

Maybe we should notify the rating officials of this interesting discrepancy ? Simon ?


Last edited by Wouter; 08/17/08 04:05 AM.