
WindyHill is doing exactly what he should... But he is screwed!

the problem is... He needs SOME authority to give him the Good house keeping seal of approval... Without the OK Dokey... he is always screwed...

if he sails the boat very well and sails to his rating. that he calculates... the rating will be suspect ... he will win because by definition... he sailed the boat to his rating. and his wins will be viewed as a problem. (even though he sailed very very well) .....

The discusion will be... There is something wrong with his rating and it undermines his racing performance ...

On the other hand...

If he sails the boat very well and looses his shirt... there is also something wrong... he doesn't have a chance.

It's a no win situation as it stands.

He has a complicated ratings question. EMSA (I think organizes the region) should OK a rating by calulating, guessing, interpolating from texel... voodoo...Whatever they choose... But when all parties feel a fair consensus is determined... declare the rating... and that is the end of the story.

Everyone can race and the rating is a non issue. That is the goal... the rating is a non issue.