Hi Bryce;
Please don't take it to mean that you HAVE to upgrade your rudder system. You can probably go out and still sail the boat just about any time you want with your present rudders.

I am not certain of the date (sure someone on the forum does) that the P19 went to the longer style rudders with the extended gudgeons. Because of changing advancements in tuning and sailing the boat, it was found that the boat handled better with those longer rudders, and with the ability to "rake em under". And from what I've heard, "it sort of makes the boat think it is longer, than it really is".

Now, with the introduction of the MX package, the max. potential of the sail plan is better realized with the "upgraded rudder system". Still, if you aren't out pushing the limits of the package, you can probably sail with your present rudders. I hope that I have succeeded in giving you info. You decide if you really need them. (www.performance.com).

Also, I would be inclined to ask for a "tuning guide" for your new sails from the sailmaker.

Got to hurry, someone else will explain the mast rotation...
Have fun

Last edited by catsailorp19mx; 02/02/03 05:57 AM.