Originally Posted by isvflorin
Originally Posted by warbird

If you did not want honest, considered feedback, why did you post it?
Some people are horrified by such things but most are not. We, like it or not are full of instinct as well as reason and instinct says kill to survive.
I do not excuse cruelty but I do not think these people are indulging in some sadistic ritual.
If you are truly serious go to these people and stay with them and try to understand them. It is very easy to sit thousands of miles away and presume you know everything about them and imagine they should just default to your loftier ideals.

I get the impression the post of the slaughter was aimed at creating a condemnation of these people. For what reason? So we might all feel better than them? If everyone here agreed with the sentiment it would mean nothing to the whales and save not one of them.

And it means nothing if you do not think what they are doing is okay and you do not take a more realistic action to stop what they do.

I suppose I am creepy now.

I do wanted honest feedback. No, you were not creepy. I signed petitions, sent emails, posted on website so ppl aknowledge this, sometimes bad things are allowed because it goes on locally and ppl on the outside are not aware of it - I consider this taking action (it is little indeed). I do not feel better about myself, I feel responsible for it too. I hope people that do not aprove this take action as well (as little as it is).
Regarding condemnation : I don't care if these people are Romanians, English, Dutch, Indians, Africans, etc... - they are HUMANS, and that is inhumane.
If you were disturbed by this then I guess I reached my goal.
Bottom line, I'm not saying they should starve or grow more vegetables, I believe humans should have more consideration regarding harvesting natural resources, employing more thinking into it and not just what is easiest, simplest and convenient. I extend that to every natural resource.
We usually defend ourselves when what we do is took for granted, much easier than giving it some thought - "well it's been going on for decades, why should we stop ?"

Hello Florin.
I understand your discomfort and pain regarding these creatures and their fate and I do not want to labour the point but a word comes up here that sums the discussion up for me.


Good and bad are constructs of human conventions and social mores.
These are a product of all sorts of things, including religion and history.

So in some places gays are bad and in other places they are no problem.

Fact is they are neither good nor bad. They just are and other people form an opinion.

I do not like what the Whales killers are doing and I would not want to live in that society. But the me that does not want to live in that society is the me that grew up in New Zealand. If I grew up there the ritual, social engagement and harvesting this practice represents might be the most important thing on my yearly calendar.

Isolating those people by acting regionally and putting trade pressure or whatever on them will create the response that pressure always creates-resistance.

Now, as to posting on this website. I am a sailor. I come to this site as a sailor. I expect some understanding on your part that it is not really a place to push your social or political views.
I felt you ambushed me with those images. The posting of them here created resistance, not empathy in my mind.

Peace of mind is not always an easy thing to create especially where it pertains to our view of the human race.

I do not see these people as a threat to my way of life and so they are welcome to continue what they are doing and reap whatever Kama comes with it.

I hope you find some peace of mind with this but I do not think it will be easy while you think these people are "bad" people.