I agree with this: "if the ultimate purpose of the post, no matter how it is worded, is to sell something or buy something, that is the same thing as a classified ad."

However, the SPECIFIC purpose of that post appears to have been a pricing poll.

It's a blurry line. should he buy an ad from you? yeah I think he should. Even if he sells the boat through some contact unrelated to this forum, he'll have established his price based upon information gained here. BUT, if he'd simply purchased a normal ad, he wouldn't have had the opportunity for the pricing poll.

I think that threads of this type support (my understanding of) Catsailor's mission. Let's face it, buying/selling stuff is a HUGE part of being a sailor, and information on that is just as important as info on sailing technique. I don't think that anyone here is out to screw you or Rick. Most will gladly send you the posthumous cost of the would've-been-advertisement in such a case. I know I would. I posted to that effect when I entertained the thought of selling my boat last November.

I suggest that if these posts truly get out of hand and no one's sending you money and you can definitely see a dent in your classified ad revenue, THEN start deleting threads. I think this is one area where the community CAN police itself.
