Nah, I was just commiserating with Karl.

Actually we had an extraordinary year. Way above my projections. The summer was good for Kayaks and people rehabbing older boats. The trend that I saw, mid summer when gas was out of control, was that people were selling power boats and getting sailboats and kayaks. I can't tell you how many fisherman went from powerboat to kayak. I had no idea it would be so popular.
We had a late season Tiger sales, and a few new 16's so that's always good. Christmas was good so far. Some cat sailors are going to get some nice stocking stuffers.

We had a lot of great events on the West Coast this sailing season. The 40th was awesome. That always helps dealers out.

I designed my business to have extremely low overhead and to be able to adapt to trends extremely fast if need be. I attribute our success to the fact that my family, Sarah and Jaylen (2.5) are extremely flexible in the summer. We take family trips with the parts trailer to many events during the sailing season--14 hour days are not uncommon. Also, I view my customers as friends and try to treat the m as such.

The yacht brokerage is taking off. Man, if you want to buy a big boat and have cash on hand, wait 3 months, right before people realize it's summer, there will be some deals to be had!

I have no used boats in stock right now. Usually I store up over winter and sell in spring. Things seem to be changing hands quickly these days. Desperate sellers and bargain hunting buyers with cash.

But in the Wintertime it's chill and I get to talk smack with you guys.

Still though with all the talk of doom and gloom, I've shelved a few projects and stashed away a bit more dough than usual. I have 5 customers that have lost jobs and are in dire straights, and 3 more that are about to lose their house. So blaming the media or whoever doesn't change the fact that there are some people in dire straights right now.

The future is going to be interesting to say the least.