Sorry to ask this contentious question but seeking objective views ..I am planning to buy one of these in the coming months and have no chance to see and sail all boats myself. My main experience to date is on H16 and 8.5m racing cats subtleties of line set up hull volume etc on the different boats is not so clear to me

-I will not have f16 class racing just relaxed open class racing so a super light boat to be super competitive is not a high priority

- Sailing solo 75kg and with crew 140-160kg
- Only Ocean sailing 5-20 knots flat to 1.5 m swell/chop
- Beach storage in tropical climate so concerned re durability carbon mast on Stealth
- Easy single hand handling and righting important so I can sail more

Can you help with the pros and cons of the various boats please

Last edited by SIAM; 02/12/09 10:40 PM.