
When I used to work in Dilbert Land I would wait until I had ten pints in the freezer and then bring it to the company lunch room. Within minutes of sending an e-mail announcing, "ice cream in the fridge", it would be gone.

The other night, my neighbor's 3-year-old son showed up at the door delivering pints of One Sweet Whirled. He told me, "My mommy wants you to blow up like a balloon." After I got done laughing, I asked his mom where the comment came from. Apparantly she had told her son, "Take these over to Kevin and Michele. If we keep them here, I'll blow up like a balloon." Little Charlie had interpreted it to mean, "Take these over to Kevin and Michele so that THEY can blow up like a balloon." Kids. Ya gotta love em.

Kevin Rose N6.0na #215 Lake Champlain (New England's "west coast") Burlington, Vermont