It wasn't me but credit where credit is due.

"To All Officers, Board & Members:

On Thursday, May 28, 2009 GYC hosted a Field Trip to our Club for the kids from the Gulfport Recreation Center.

Volunteers Dorothy Whyte, Jim Craver, two new members, Susan Hutchinson & Myra Schwarz, Bob Feckner, Fred Metcalf & I worked the event. We had 32 kids from ages 6 to 11 years old. Fred & Susan had the kids wearing a trapeze harness and riding the rail on the Hobie 16. Bob, Dorothy & Jim were doing tactical moves on the sunfish. Myra and I were showing videos of catamaran sailing. They especially liked "T.R.O.U.B.L.E." (it's on UTUBE). The last event was a quiz show game of "Who Wants To Be A Sailor?" MC'd by Fred. (GYC's version of "Who Wants To Be A Millonaire?) We gave out prizes and medals, pencils, pencil sharpeners and special coloring books we made promoting GYC. It was a smashing success. It was so much fun & the kids were totally great!

I believe it was a great event and a way to give back to the community. Hopefully we'll get some kids who will be interested enough to be future sailors. (One young girl wanted a membership application, so I gave her one.) Bob took some pictures and will submit them to the Gabber along with an article for publication.

I want to thank all of the volunteers who helped with this event and made it such a terrific success. Also, I wanted to let everyone know that we are constantly working to promote sailing and our club in the most positive light.

We have attracted many new members this year and we are getting many more inquiries as well. Four new members with monohulls have joined the club and rented our wet slips. We now have all of our wet slips filled as of this date. That's a first in at least 5 years as far as I know. We only have 4 to 5 dry slips left as well and that's since adding 6 new dry slips with tie downs.

Again, I want to thank all that participated and the next time you see a volunteer at GYC just say "THANK YOU" to them. Without volunteers the club would not exist.

Mary Ann"

Pete Pollard
Blade 702

'When you have a lot of things to do, it's best to get your nap out of the way first.