Not mentioned on this forum but it was included in the analysis I did of the sailing scene a while ago.

Two interesting details concerning the Advance.

-1- It costs 5371 Euro's (although the link provided by Grob mentions 2990 British pounds = 3500 Euro)

-2- The brochure recommends using a bridle spreader bar when it is sailed by a crew of more weight than 75 kg or when the craft is sailing in more then windforce 3. I kid you not ! Failing to do so voids the warrenty. I'll bet the spreader bar is "extra"

And by the way the Europe cat Europe site quotes the boat at 115 kg instead of 105 kg,hobie_advance

As does the brochure that Grob links too.


Last edited by RickWhite; 07/30/15 01:58 PM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands