
I'll repeat what I suggested yesterday ... Measure mast rake using the main halyard !!!!

There are too many varibles for you try to measure the individual pieces ... you will need to measure and compare every part starting w/ the bridle wires, the forstay turnbuckle. the lower forstay, the upper forstay the shackles holding the forstay together, the shackle at the hounds .... etc etc.

JUST MEASURE THE MAST RAKE !!!! so we can help you ... that is what we need to be able to help you. We do not need to care about every little measurement only the over all measurement which is indicated by the mast rake measurement. "Don't get lost in the forest"

Then compare that measurement w/ Jay & Pease Glaser's P18-2 tuning guide, it should have a recommended mast rake measurement in it.

Once that is correct then move onto the rudder measurements. I've mis-tuned my rudder rake once for the mast rake and had terrible helm issues .... The first thing Randy had me do was ... MEASURE THE MAST RAKE!!!!! In my case the mast had to be raked back and the rudder rake reduced. The rudders were raked way to far forward was the majority of the problem but the mast rake was wrong also ... combined creats weather helm ... really bad weather helm !!!!

There is not much difference between a P18-2 and a P19 its like the P18-2 was a reduced sized copy from a Xerox copier.

I believe that your mast is under raked and your rudders are over raked most likely ... any bets????

Harry Murphey

P19 owner since 1991