
Regarding you comments about the origin of the F16 class, I have a print of a F16 by Bimare from the 1995. I understand that the originia BIM 16 (1991?) was not heralded as a F-16, but please name another F16 cat that predates the 1995 Bimare F16. I know that Cirrus, Mystere, Ventillo, and others build "F16" cats, but not to your rule. Pathetically, You just try to lump them into your class in an attempt to legitimize your class. I applaud you efforts in forming the F16HP class, but you insistance in grouping other designs into your class is laughable. Only Stealth Marine builds a F-16HP. Taipan (AHPC) builds 4.9s and will provide a "F-16HP-ize" version, but their main thrust is the 4.9 Class. The other 16 foot designs that you have tried to group into your "class" were not built to your rule. Face it your rule is largely ignored by the builders.

In the USA, there has not been one successfull F-16HP regatta! Three or four boats at the North Americans? What a joke! None stayed to the end of the event. You tout the Australian event, but even tht event garnered less than 10 boats.

Like the man, Rick White, pointed out in a previous post you and your class shold spend more time sailing and racing than posting. Your performances on the water confirm this keen observation. Maybe you should put away your typewriter and go to a Rick White Siminar.

Got to go-SAILING, so bye-bye for now.
