Rick, Wouter and all,

1. A main topic, which is a priciple of the matter, that is not discussed is.....DEPLOYMENT of the sail!
2. Would you not have the same rating, for example of a Euro I-20 if the main is DEPLOYED upside down?...of course this would look strange,but would it not be just as legal? I believe it is a valid point.
3. If DEPLOYMENT is NOT AN ISSUE,....why then does any ruling party care about it sometimes,...and other times not.
4. Headsails, on the end of a pole, deployed and retrieved by various manners, is the only point here.
5. So, I am asking for an answer to only that point. Why the confused rules on deployment?

..please do not bring in any points on sail shape, size, material, measurements and such,..for that is another topic.


St. Croix