Works well enough for me. It is the lower half of an old carbon windsurfer mast. I made a mounting plate out of thick (approx. 3/16") aluminum strip from the local scrap yard and mounted the mast using the original windsurfer mast base (I ground off the downhaul pulleys) to the main beam. If I were to do it again I would probably just mount it to the dolphin striker where it goes through the beam. As it is now I have a limiter line so the pole will not get pinched by the Dolphin striker. The whole thing is set up to auto retract, even if still deployed. (it just misses the dagger boards) This helps if I flip in shallow water. It gives me so much leverage I can even pull the boat over using just my weight on land. (I can do that with the trapeze handle but I need enough grip in the soil to be able to pull outward as well as down.) I have been planning to do a demo video, but I need another volunteer for the camera and someone to discourage potential helpers!
One thing I can tell you, it sure is quick and easy, but I don't use it often. You may need to go for a mechanical type of mast base fitting. i have a diabolo rubber type and it is wearing out quickly. Mine was second hand and also very old, so that could be it. But it is a single point of failure.