Yeah, I debated on the keys but in the end decided to take them since I knew the box would float and there were a couple of shady characters hanging around the boat ramp. I realize now that they can't float if there not in the box.

I'm going to put the trap wires back on before we go out again. They really want to go today, but I'm beat. Plus the wind is about 11 mph and the gusts from the thunder storms which are almost always present are on top of you before you know it.

My wife says if I put her in the (lake) water she'll never go again. I could see that happening today. She has no problem with the salt water but just has this thing about lakes now. It's funny since we used to Ski, Jet Ski etc all of the time.

I have to admit that I even get a little nervous now when I'm floating around in some of these smaller forest lakes. Can't wait to get this thing to the beach.

Jody Phillips
81 H16