OK, that makes total sense. I tend to think of that as philosophy, such as, "Why are we all here?" Either way, they are definitely all good points that need to be covered.
"Team Players That Aren't" Is that a slide show with pictures, or just a list of scenarios? Is it RC-specific, or general coaching? Can you share it with us?
My personal favorite is a little story that involved two weather marks, two change marks (all in the water at the same time), in the fog, and the mark boat guys were observed eating lunch... We'll protect the name of the event, but that was a pretty impressive example of what not to do.
I cover the "Why are we all here?" question in the very beginning. The "Psychology" slide is one of the last. The "Team Players That Aren't" slide is a single scenario:
You Make the CallYou are the pin / gate boat.
The weather mark boat is in position, but the mark has not
been set, and you’re in a start sequence.
The fleet starts and the PRO radios for the weather mark
drop. There is no response and the weather mark boat is still
moving with the mark. Repeated radio calls to the weather
mark have no result.
The fleet is now 1/3 of the way up the course, and the
weather mark is still not set.
What do you do?