Originally Posted by Mark Schneider
...the feelings of bad sportsmanship and irresponsibility persist for much longer then the boat repair or rule confusion lasted.
(see this EMSA example... and my fleet... we had two A cats go crunch in June and I don't think either sailor has raced the rest of the year... boats are all back together long ago.)
The PC hearing will resolve the rules dispute. AND a fair process will go along way to addressing the responsibility and sportsmanship issues that underlie the dispute.

I stand by my position that the PC must explicitly focus on this responsibility and sportsmanship stuff (and the rules admin) because the effect on the fleet will be corrosive in the end.

One of the purposes of a protest hearing is to help defuse emotionally explosive situations. When all parties are given a fair chance to tell their stories, then no matter what the final outcome, at least everybody can feel that they've been heard. This purpose isn't spelled out in the rulebook, but it is still important. Once the protest is over, people can move on. A hearing can go a long way towards eliminating this kind of ongoing recrimination.

But, if you don't protest, I can't help you.

US Sailing Certified Judge,
Member, Area D Appeals Committee