The min. weight came from experience and setting a goal, as pointed out several times in other threads.
HJS, I dont know who you are, and I would like to know. Please give us a presentation.
We had a nasty and provoking persona under the "nom du guerre" of Sue here last year. Since then strangers with controversial opinions on our class rules and absolutely no buy-in or connection to the class are pointed in direction of the membership entry form and the proper way to instigate changes in the class rules. You are certainly free to discuss F16s, sailing etc. but when you begin to argument for a change in our class rules repeatedly please become a member and set about changes the proper way.
Become a member here:,en/
You find the class rules here:,en/
Sorry if you find this rude, but there are valid historical reasons for asking for presentation.
Rolf, I don't know who HJS is and have had no contct with them.
However: if you read the first post in this thread, you will see that HJS started by promotng the class, and now you return the favor by attacking their credibility! Nice way to encorage participation!!
just because people dont agree with the out of whack rules the class has does't mean they are trying to destroy the class!
And by the way, "Sue" is now the proud owner of a Viper...