OK Match Racer wannabee's, in today's race, on the beat, when Alingi was ahead on starboard approaching the port layline with BMWO coming in on port;

Why didn't Alingi slow down, or bear off, or do -something- to cause BMWO to tack to starboard, thus slowing BMWO, forcing them into 2 more tacks, while rolling over them, then 1 tack onto the layline and lead BMWO in?

Why did they let them duck and just let them go?

It was clear to me the tri was faster when they just ran away from AL going downwind, the speed readouts always showed BMWO about 2-3 knots faster, just about all the time on the reaches, upwind they seemed about even.

I never saw the cat "Powered Up". To me it always looked like they needed more wind, less weight, I was surprised they were using any water balast at all. But they were constantly snake-waking trying to fly the hull, which is slow!

Blade F16