The 2Bsailing twitter account is very interesting :

2Bsailing has just twittered that :

"The Viper trapeze lines have been upgraded from wire to Dyneema and will come as standard on Vipers from now on."

oohhh, the use of new high tech lightweight materials on the Viper !

That is a sliding slope ! (joke, wink )

Note that neither the F18 class rules nor the Taipan class rules allow that.

But there is more interesting stuff.

2Bsailing will be present at the Carnac EUROCAT event this year. Mr. Bundock on the C2 F18 and Ms. Brouwer on a Viper F16.

All good news,


Last edited by Wouter; 03/21/10 07:05 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands