Polling the owners is a great idea, but I hope you're aware that only a subset of owners will actually read this. To the best of my knowledge, just one of the N20 owners in CRAW spend any significant time here on catsailor. If you want help contacting those people let me know. I forwarded Sam's original message to the group a few days ago.
Last year I did what I could to compile all the owners I could find. Only a small percentage come here but it's still bigger than are usually at any particular race like S.F.
We had hoped the owner's site would serve as a link for all owner's to communicate, didn't work so well,so now we'll do a mailing list. Tad has assured me that even my intarweb challenged self can do it so I'll see how it goes.My list is from last May so if anyone knows of any new folks ,please pm me the info or a Email addy where I can get in touch with them.