Technically we aren't using any Formula but a platform around the I20.
The problem the F20 class faces is that there is only two boats that (or can easily) fit the current rule. We need to start some where. The I20 and 6.0NE are so close why not race them together. The speed on the course as been similar and changes with conditions. I think the boats will get closer as time goes. All of the I20 sailors around here have years of experience and most of the 6.0 sailors have a little or no experience. The 6.0 requires a higher skilled crew to do what a less skilled crew can do on the I20.
The I20 group here has decided to allow the 6.0NE to race us heads up The 6.0 class was pushing the NE spinnaker saying that it would be faster than the I20 around the buoys. Well we politely asked them to back it up. Allot of the guys are interested in buying racing with spinnakers and can afford a more expensive boat like the I20 or T.
We have decided the boats are equal in straight line speed and close round the buoys. We have raced three regatta with 6.0s. I think the boats are close but it was the crew that had the most spinnaker experience the prevailed. The tornado is close to the I20 most conditions as well. It doesn't technically meet the rule but why not race them together? Over time we can all meet at a common rule that is accepted by the sailors. It may come down to the T and I20 having to add weight or something like that.
The F20 class as been dicused for 6 years or so but we are sailing to rule that remains to be defined. We are all fine with that. I think the positive think is that we are doing it and not crying over the rules. Time will tell.
It may not work but we have a ton of 6.0s here but the class can't last for ever because the boats are not being made anymore. It give them a low cost F20 option. Come on up to Roton Point in the Fall and we can add the T to the list of F20 class boats.