Hi - My friend and I switched to an I20 3 years ago after sailing the P19. There was no way we could compete downwind with the lighter crews (295 lbs) when we were nearly 400 lbs. The larger main and spinnaker on the I20 make us competive, even in the lighter 8 knot winds we often have here in San Diego. I also solo the boat frequently...the newer & more modern I20 main can be depowered more effectively than my previous P19.

Also, the convenience and user-friendliness of the I20 is much better than other boats I've sailed. Construction quality is very high, and it has like 20 small but noticable improvements compared to the P19 (ease of rigging, ease of use, downhaul, blocks, rotator, etc....they all add up). It took me 3 years to switch after the first ones were bought by other guys here in SD, and I wish I had done it much sooner. Also, the steering on the I20 is maybe 3 times as responsive as the P19 or H20. I would sometimes go sailing on a friend's I20, then get back on my P19 and it felt like driving a truck by comparison.

As far as the spinnaker goes, once you try one you'll never go back to a non-spinnaker boat. On the I20, it is easy to use the spinnaker either solo or with a non-sailing guest.

Re. F18's, unless you were a much lighter crew (250-280 lbs?), I think the I20 is a better size, esp. for light winds as you say you have. In the typical 8 knot winds of San Diego, many people solo them very easily.

So, I think you should take a test sail. If you try one, I think you'll be convinced like I was.

Sail fast and have fun,
Alan Thompson
I20 - San Diego