I race every Wednesday night and every Saturday afternoon. On Wednesdays solo, in club racing with beer afterwards, on Saturdays I'm doing "fun races" with my 8yo son where it doesn't matter where we finish really.
Hence the F16 BTW. Solo sailing and Duo sailing. I could not do that with any other class but the Dart 18. And I don't like the Dart 18: no spi.
Last year I did quite a bunch of opens, as well as the UK F16 Nationals, but this year I decided to dedicate my Saturdays to get my kids to learn to sail properly. Seems to work so far. My oldest is now assistant instructor, and proud of it

So to answer your question Macca, no I will not go to Texel. Sailing with my sons is more important to me than finishing in the last third in some event far away. I will do the Como event however, as I want to support the F16 class