I'm getting some of the same interperitation here and I have to ask Really? Put yourself in my situation. You want 60#s additional weight, fixed, on the boat, with potentially all of it working against the masts floation while on its side. Really?
I have also done some short course racing with my son, so we were at the 285#s, without corrector weigths and the other teams with two humans on board just walked away from us since the wind was slightly stronger than what the two of us could hold down. At 10 years old he can trim the jib sometimes, he can trap out sometimes, he can call opposing boats, and he can always give me a rash of crap for making a decision that cost us a place or two. It not all Roses.
Looks like I should just take the single handed correction factor, good enough.
Last edited by Chris9; 06/24/10 10:05 AM.