The way the super wing mast is talked about here it is the best thing since sliced bread...if that is the case, is there an engineer here who can calculate the laminate schedule to mimic the bend characteristics?
I am talking about in widely available carbon materials, not some mil spec pre-preg and bogging down in discussions of Autoclaves and such...that has been done ad nausea around here... and from what I can find searching the archives one has ever just answered the most basic question...
Forget the building about just the laminate many layers of what type of material with what fiber orientation and the properties of an Epoxy resin that can be post cured, I can even give you the properties of the resin I prefer to use: Assume a vacuum bagged hand lay-up.
And no... I don't want to just go out and buy an aluminum one.
Not interested in "kicking the can around the parking lot"... can a qualified engineer give a straight answer to a straight question? I am sure it would be greatly appreciated by many.
If that is too much to ask, does anyone have the accurate specifics bend characteristics of super wing itself...specific enough to allow an engineer to calculate the proper laminate?