Hi again,
As far as single-handing with main only, I went out saturday for the first time in light but gusty wind and had no problems at all. I was concerned about weather helm and tacking, but neither was an issue.
For an encore sunday with a steadier breeze, I went solo with main and jib (classic rig 1991 Reg White). What a riot!! This boat is so smooth, you can fly a hull close hauled forever. As far as speed, there were a couple of overloaded (3 people) Hobie 18's out match racing, and the difference in speed is so great it's like you're not even participating in the same sport.
The only problems I've had relate to a broken Frederickson traveler car. We originally ordered a replacement, but the ball bearings were on back-order (coming from Norway?!). I eventually ordered a Harken traveller, but it was 3 mm to large to fit in the in-laid track in the beam, so I subsequently ordered and installed a new Harken track on the beam. The point of this just to illustrate that you can run into unexpected troubles with a boat that's no longer being manufactured.
Having said that, you wouldn't be disappointed with the Tornado.