The first ever F16 Euro’s at Lake Como can best seen as a very successful event with great sailing , socializing and an example how F16 regatta’s must be for the future.
From the start of the event to the end of the event it was just a big sailing party with excellent conditions for everybody. Sun, wind and good food and the location.
During the event there was a lot of good internet coverage from several sailors and volunteers as we hoped.
A little story of my experience during the event.
We had measuring/checking starting on Friday with continuation on Saturday and a possibility on Sunday morning before the start of the practice race. Piet was the chief measuring and did a good job by giving explanation on how things should be done and answering questions form the sailors why things are done in a certain way. I think he made a lot of things clear on this topic and there will be a booklet put to getter with pictures on the whole procedure. Lucky for him he could during the complete event be on the water in a rubber duck and take people with him who are able to take photo’s, which could be placed on the internet during the event.
On Friday evening there was a positive surprise for all the sailors, an event was sailed at the club next to AVAL-CDV and all F16’s where invited to join in this regatta with out costs and a good price giving afterwards wind food and drinks. This means that we had a series of 5 races extra. This was great.
Thijs Visser did win this small pre Europeans. Well done.
On Monday the event really started and after a short skippers meeting the boats ( 11 sloop rigged and 5 cat rigged )where send out to the racing area. There was a schedule of 3 races that day and under really perfect conditions ( 30 degrees and 12 to 14 knots ) the race committee had put a 1 mile course put in the water which gave the sailors a good day. Per race we had between 55 to 1h15 sailing and when we came back ashore everybody was smiling from ear to ear. The AVAL-CDV had organized a pasta meal for all and some drinks so the war stories could be told.
Tuesday conditions where similar to Monday only we had a bit more wind ( 30 degrees and 18 /20 knots ) . Again the boats where send out around 12 to be on time at the racing area. The scheduled start time was 13.00 and this was not a problem. The only thing changed was the spare time to have after the first finishers. This was increased from 15 to 30 minutes. The most respect must be given to Geert who was sailing real singlehanded in the 18 knots of wind and with flying his spin, this was a really amazing achievement and he is the evidence that the F16 is the boat to be on. GO GEERT GO.
Wednesday and Thursday we had again the same conditions as Monday and we did see only people smiling after these days of sailing, the race course was perfect, the race committee was perfect and the club AVAL-CDV is a great and active club with a lot of hospitality .
Friday we had the first bad day of weather with thunderstorms , rain and a lot of wind , so there was no sailing possible at all. The day was canceled and the price giving was at 17.00.
Jason Waterhouse and crew where the best and constant during the whole series and crowned to the new and first European champions F16.
We can say that the AVAL-CDV did a great job and we thank them and all the volunteers and the sponsor Ferrari champagne who made this possible and personally I cannot wait till the next big F16 event .
Best regards,
Hans Klok
Chairman F16 Governing Council