Originally Posted by Jake
I love it.

I mean, I can see a rabbit start if you're out sailing with a bunch of friends, with no race committee, on a fun beer-drinking weekend and you're going to race up around 3-tree island (which now only has two trees on it) and back. Like Dave, however, I feel like the strategy at the start on a static line is a big part of the game...and one I've been sucking at lately.


You cannot be OCS on a gate start in the same way as the gate boat opens the line.

The start tactics are different .

Instead of choosing a place on a STATIC line; you choose a place on a line you do not quite know were it is going to be

Instead of holding a stationary position on static line; you fight for a place in the area you want to be to start where you judge the line to be.

Instead if choosing where on the line to start based on wind pattern and bends you also have to consider the speed of the gate boat and if the gate boat is on a header or lift.

Would I want to be the gate boat? Nope…….

Last edited by scooby_simon; 08/05/10 04:27 PM.

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