hey folks, I was on the SA boat and have to say that was the most incredible thing I have EVER seen. I got some great pics and vid. You haters really need to lay off the SA gang. When the cam ain't on what matters it's because it'll either get soaked or is un-focusable.Petey is the shiznit and I challenge anyone to do better. Aaron sat IN a center console half the size of a shower stall, ALL DAY, running the electronics. These guys work their azzes off. I f they didn't the guys who know me know I'd call BS on it. When I get home and can sort out the pics I'll post some stuff. Glenn and Jimmy were like butter. Some of the most amazing sailing I've ever seen. My heart goes out to Oliver, his family and Steve.Their flip ended years worth of effort, heart, and soul put in to that boat and wing. I gave 2 N-20 boards to Paul Larson(Invictus) to modify if needed for their boat. Oddly enough they slid into the assy. trunk fairly well. Now it's a matter of rather it's easier to fill or cut. we'll see. I saw the other half of their board floating and Glenn missed hitting it by about 10 feet. Tawd
"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"
The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea Isak Dinesen If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most. E. B. White