"With regards to hydroptere and "open" water - OK sure, they pick a bay but it's still much more relative to what everyone relates to "sailing" than an engineered shallow water ditch."
I think there`s a slight misconception about the speedstrip they are using - it`s a natural lagoon with a natural channel which they used for the last two years, it was only the fact that the WSSRC made up a new rule about min. water depth that they started dredging the strip to make it comply with that rule. Yes, they have modified the strip to create ideal conditions, and have put up barriers to further reduce chop. I windsurfed yesterday at my local lake, where there is a row of bouys to reduce chop for the waterskiers - we use that strip for speed runs, and I see no difference. If anyone were to set a speed record at that spot, it would be a valid record, as are the ones being set at Luderitz.
I do agree with many here that the kiters should have their own record, so all the slow craft (Hydroptere, Sailrocket and the windsurfers) still have something to aspire to.. And I don`t think too many people relate Hydroptere to a normal sailing craft, not too many recreational foiling trimarans on the market right now. In that respect, kiting is far more relatable to the general public.