Yes, GPS Action Replay (GPSar) works well and its free. It works will all units if the user has the technical ability to pull off the data and load it. Not hard for some, but a real challenge for others. Also, it does not give you race statistics across all competitors as far as I know.

Velecitek has made getting the data off the unit easy, but it only runs in their software or the free GPSAR. It will show you an animation of all competitors in the race, but not sure if it provides much in the way of race statistics. I haven't downloaded the most recent software, so I don't know.

I think Kattack's niche is your have a techie (their employee or a capable member of your club) pull the data off inexpensive units and load it. It gives you animations of all competitors. Plus it give your race metrics and the ability to distribute the animations via the web. Their metrics are pretty user friendly as well.

With the metrics and the visual animations, you can really figure out what you did versus your competitors.

Blade F16 USA 725