[color:"red"]I've updated the diagram, as the original conflicts with my story...I'll keep modifying it, until I get it straight! [/color]

It was pointed out to me privately, that in my original post, that I appear to blaming the person I hit for this accident. I can see where it comes across that way, and let me apologize for giving that impression. This was completely my fault, and I also would like to apologize to John Volkman, the sailor who I hit.

The morale of the story is, avoid collision, avoid collision, avoid collision!

I was trying to duck his sterns, we even were discussing with each other that that's what I was going to do. I completely misjudged our speed in relation to his, and in a last ditch effort to head down even further, I caught his wing. I should have crash tacked, or done anything to avoid him, but my judgement of impending collision was too late.

I also want to make it clear that the only person I'm completely disgusted with here is myself. I found it ironic that I would collide with the only boat that could cause that kind of damage, but that was a situation that I put myself into, and now it is my deal to fix it.

I'm not hunting for sympathy either. That's the last thing that was on my mind. The point of making a post about my own stupid mistake is remind us all of how quickly accidents on the water can occur. Thank God no one had to end their season this weekend with a broken leg or worse.

My brother was upset with himself for not trying to fend off. I told him that he is not to ever try to fend off when we're moving under speed.

This will be an easy fiberglass repair. I'd much rather repair boats than people.

Avoid collision, avoid colision, avoid collision! Stay safe, and don't do what I did! I've attached a diagram to further clarify the mistake I made.


Tim J.

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Last edited by hobie541; 08/04/03 04:06 PM.

Tim D. Johnson Hobie 20 #690 Bald Eagle Yacht Club, Fleet 52 www.beyc.org