Buy a moth if you want to have your boat fly. The cost of doing these curved foils on a cat is expensive and requires a lot more tooling. Takes the class away from the home-builder aspect. Curved foils have to lift 110kg plus 140kg crew weight (just putting in a number for the sake of a number). That is a lot more load on a foil and moves the class from amateur to professional builders only. For example, a moth hull costs 5k but the foils cost 6k+ and it only has to lift 30kg plus 75kg.

Originally Posted by Mappy
Taking a bit of interest in the F16 class with the struggles of getting good crew. I see the F16 class rules do not allow curved boards. With the lighter weight, shorter length of this class potentially the curved boards could improve the performance and handling of the F16. Is there any chance this rule could be changed in the future?