Unfortunately the occasions I have seen it go to protest have been mostly port boats trying to use the rules as an offence. Not always the case (and not here either as I doubt GE wanted to wreck their boat) but it happens.
So... how do the old rules... of any quad... make this better?
Currently, PORT has to make their case...with respect to a forced crash tack that did not result in a collision.
What is offense action by port.... A initiated the tack.
They have to provide evidence that were NOT provided room an opportunity...
You the tacker (A) has to provide evidence that you held up your end of the tacking deal...eg.. provided room and opportunity. AND YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO COLLECT THIS EVIDENCE because the boat is behind you... you know what kind of room and opportunity that boat is capable of and in your judgment they can bear off and take your sterns... OR they can tack underneath you... or they can cross ahead of you. BUT... your obligation (since you chose to tack) is to have that evidence that the boat had one??? TWO?? of those three options available to them.
I tacked cleanly and I thought they had enough room is weak.... you initiated the when boats meet... you have starboard rights and the obligation... you need to make sure you meet your obligations... or you should be in trouble.