The class made it perfectly clear that if you did not own a boat... shut the hell up and leave us alone! You guys were special! It's a fine line between your private ghetto and debating in the general discussion forum.

So... you went off and created a SECOND separate forum to make your point and regulate the debate. (Your other option was to create a mailing list where the class pushed info out to owners).

Since those interested in sailing want the class to succeed despite your best efforts, we tune in on occasion and volunteer our two cents. (Hell... one of us went out and bought a Taipan)

Forums require content.... Content is generated by the sailors: Counting on one guy... (wouter) will burn him up.

You should try...
Generating a discussion on a schedule with the goal of getting critical mass at events.

If you don't want to attend a national event... figure it out before the organizer gets screwed.

Sailing event reports.... (hmmm how about the NA report) eg... Why I should not miss the event next year. If I don't own a boat... why should I get one?
Upcoming Sailing events.... (anticipation..)
The people in the class and what they are doing sailing wise
Class rule changes.... (what do you do about the radio transmission debate... see A class and F18) Should there be a class min weight.
Design innovations and new boats coming out. Why is the Nacra better or worse then the viper?

How to rig your boat and other customization tweaks?

God forbid any one post some pictures of sails with some lines on them showing draft positions.... and what to look for in a fresh sail versus a dead sail.

Gee... that sounds like what Wouter did!... it's called class building.

Or you can take the low energy road that the F18's follow.