We could use a bit more clarity and foresight on rules, and a bit more transparency over the process. It seems like 'something happens', no one seems to know what is happening, the better part of a year transpires, then a decision is issued on the rule challenge that lacks the clarity everyone wants.
Simply put: I'd like to see an agenda with topics, forecast discussion, allow a skype dial in (or something when a discussion is open), and then for the ruling body to issue clear mandates on rules changes, and post them in a timely way. That's not too much to ask is it?
There is a lot of pressure currently to achieve exactly what you are asking for. More support will help, but it looks like we will have a review of the process and the recent decisions as well.
Remember, no rule is valid in the class until ISAF certifies it and publishes it on the sailing.org website and that realistically wont be until the middle of 2012 at the earliest. So there is plenty of time for sanity to prevail!
If you don't agree with the recent decisions, let your Class representative know so they can pass it on to the WC.
And if you want more info you can PM me.