Originally Posted by pgp
I wish I were a cartoonist! I have a vision of two guys in waist deep water balancing an N20 on it's mast tip... It might be funnier in 15'!

We basically did that in the 2010 Tybee. Harness strap gave out which through a series of circus acts caused us to gybe, flip and immediately go turtle. We were on the upturned tramp and when the mast went straight down, we were also on top of a wave . When the wave passed we were sitting on a platform 3' above the water. We quickly got it beyond 90, then slowly righted it.Shattered the halyard crane.
One lesson to be learned here is don't hangon to the boom or stand on the mast after the boat has flipped unless you want to turtle it. We were having a really good run when this happened with one boat (Mischa) in front of us, so basically the whole fleet went by us and no one saw us. A couple of teams said we just vanished. So if you choose to turtle your boat, it's not a guarantee you'll get it unturtled (we barely did) and you WILL be very hard to spot.
Another time in the Hogs Breath ,crew fell off boat flipped and I managed to right it alone( It's gotta be breezy) and get back to my crew before a good samaritan made chum out of him with his boat prop.
There's alot more stories but the bottom line is you have to do whatever you can with what you've got.
I'd be interested in someone testing this drogue theory to see if it slows the boat ENOUGH for a heavily laden swimmer to catch it.I have my doubts.

"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Isak Dinesen
If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most.
E. B. White